Welcome to bitofcake.com: Discovering Hidden Gems in Every Town

Have you ever found yourself in a new town, craving a good cup of coffee or a delicious bite but not knowing where to go? That is exactly what happened to our founders, Matthew and Lindsay, during a trip to York. They realised how challenging it can be to find independent cafes and tea rooms, especially when relying on scattered and outdated information online.

Our journey: From frustration to creation

Bitofcake.com was born from this very frustration. We wanted to create a single, comprehensive online resource for finding independent cafes, coffee shops, and tea rooms across the UK. Our goal is simple: to make it easy for you to find a cozy spot for a bite or a drink, without the hassle of extensive searching or uncertainty about menu offerings.

What we offer

  • For Our Users: An easy-to-navigate platform that lists independent cafes, each with a detailed page including location, menu items, and other useful information.
  • For Business Owners: A hassle-free way to reach more customers without worrying about the complexities of online marketing.

Join our community: Become a Cake Explorer

You can be a part of this exciting journey! Help us discover and list more hidden gems by becoming a cake explorer:

  • Share information about your favourite independent cafes.
  • Check in and leave reviews to help others discover great spots.
  • Spread the word about us on social media.

Our commitment to independence

Our service remains free for both users and business owners. Independent business owners can easily create an account, claim their listing, or add a new one.

Help us grow and improve

We aim to list every independent café, coffee shop, and tearoom in the UK. If you find any information missing or outdated, please let us know. Your feedback is crucial in helping us improve.

We cannot wait to see who you discover next on bitofcake.com!

Affiliate & Advertising Disclosure

We're dedicated to transparency, and we want to explain how we support our site.

Affiliate Partnerships

bitofcake.com participates in affiliate marketing programs. This means we earn a commission when you purchase through our affiliate links, at no extra cost to you. These commissions help maintain and improve our website, enabling us to continue providing great content.

Google Ads

We also feature Google Ads on bitofcake.com. These ads, curated by Google, contribute to the financial sustainability of our site. The revenue from these ads helps cover our operational costs.

Communication Clarity

Our commitment to clear communication extends to our affiliate relationships and advertising. We believe it's important for you to understand how we operate and the nature of our partnerships.

Your Support

Your engagement with our affiliate links and Google Ads directly supports bitofcake.com. This support is crucial for our growth and ability to provide valuable content. We deeply appreciate your trust and participation.

Questions and Contact

If you have any questions or need more information about our affiliate and advertising practices, feel free to contact us. Ensuring a positive experience on bitofcake.com is essential to us.

Thank you for being an integral part of the bitofcake.com community and for your continued support!

Discover and celebrating unique independent cafes